Things That Make My Day

Things That Make My Day
Think. Ideas. Do.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

P-NOY vetos 2000-across-the-board-SSS-pension increase

It is official.  There is no across-the-board-increase for SSS pensioners.

P-Noy opted for the SSS long-term financial viability rather than the immediate relief of SSS pensioners.


  1. what are your thoughts on this ma'am? i worry about sss going bankrupt. i still have a looong way to go before retiring and am now considering just parking my money in an insurance policy.

    1. SSS comes with a government guarantee, an insurance company does not.

  2. i am an sss member, and i, of course, want an increase in pensions as i will eventually become a pensioner. unlike some, i want sss to continue so that in my time, i will be able to have a pension, and enjoy it for a far longer period. this means that i understand that sss cannot manage the 2k increase.

    it is my hope that people understand that, and look at the future of pensioners-to-be, not just pensioners now.

    i have always wanted sss to increase their monthly salary credit ceiling so that pensions can be larger, but employers keep blocking it. and now, this clamor.

    let us ALL be PRUDENT
