Things That Make My Day

Things That Make My Day
Think. Ideas. Do.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

love dies

i never thought that - love dies.  but it does.
and i dont mean just romantic love.  i mean love - in all its forms
love between friends, even love among siblings.

so why does love die?  simple.  one of the parties simply stops caring.  
one of the parties does one thing and says another.  in short, one party lies
and lies and lies and lies until there is no credibility left.
no credibility = no respect.  there can be no love without respect

love, like life, needs to be nurtured. without nurturing, love dies.
have you seen relationships die simply because one or both parties simply have no time to be with each other.  the moment you hear there is no time together, you already can hear the death knell of the relationship.  love dies, indeed

there is a song that my friend and i used to hear at Shakey's Ali Mall that goes .....
"love hurts .................................". the band we listened to sang it all the time, or at least, everytime we were to listen.  

if love hurts too much, the heart becomes numb until it cannot feel anything.  soon enough it turns into indifference - the kind that can see a former loved person dying at his feet and feel nothing.  not sorrow, not pain, just nothing at all.  to me, indifference is the true opposite of love.  not hate.  at least with hate, the emotions are engaged, but with indifference, there is no connection at all.

indeed, love dies.
you are free to disagree with me. anytime.

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