Things That Make My Day

Things That Make My Day
Think. Ideas. Do.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Everyone makes a mistake

I was going over some computations made in a bill issued by someone in SSS.

As with any computation, i always seek to determine the rationale behind it.

For example, if there is a penalty charge, what is the penalty charge for, and what was the basis for the penalty.  why the bill? ah, well - the computation had to do with contributions made vs. contributions due, 2 things that are NOT the same - and, when the contributions were made, and when they were due.  see, prior to 1998 (that is, prior to  the implementation of RA 8282), SSS charged penalties for contributions made by SEs (self-employed) .

and well, the review had to do with a retirement application.. my doctor (but not my nephro doc) is already 72.

why was i reviewing the computation?  well, okay, so my doctor didnt understand and wanted me to explain.
so to be able to explain, i had to understand.....

based on what i know, and i did check, i think there were some errors.

i just wanted to let everyone know that there is nothing wrong with asking people to explain their computations.  everyone makes a mistake.  the person i asked was not angry, as yes, everyone makes a mistake.

so SSS members, when you are being charged with something you dont understand, ASK.
but do not be angry, okay.

everyone makes a mistake.   even you. even SSS. and sure, even me.
that is why it is imperative that one ASKS.

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