i tell my friends - physicians, cpas, lawyers, ....., and other private practitioners that they are compulsorily covered by SSS. translated, it simply means that they should pay for their sss contributions - and i always tell them to pay the maximum - which is 15,000 MSC at 1,560.00 total payment.
otherwise they could be liable under the law to be fined, and even imprisoned.
once upon a time, i suggested to SSS that an easy way to effect compliance for physicians is to go through the hospital administrator - find out those individuals with clinics (and therefore have private practice) and effect payment. most physicians have accountants, but some accountants are not into sss. let me explain that.
my friend R. had his accountant pay for his sss. his accountant made him pay only 3000 MSC, just to comply. i checked his payments. i found out that his accountant was paying erratically, that is, payment was not made regularly. there were skips. so i informed my friend and i explained to R why he should be paying the maximum and the effects on his pension. i am not saying his accountant was cheating him. most likely he got delayed paying and sss would not accept late payments. i told him there was such a thing as quarterly payments for SEs and VMs (self-employed and voluntary members) so that if the monthly payment was delayed, he could still pay for the quarter.
my friend R is now a regular payor and paying the maximum. so is his wife.
i have since convinced several of my docs (unfortunately, i have many docs attending to me. the plus side - there are people taking care of me!) to pay for their SSS, and to pay the maximum.
and hey, t'is easy to pay.
first of all, one should have an SSS number.
here are the forms to use
RS-1. The RS-1 is the form for self-employed data record. See image below
For professional/business code. Please ask the counter personnel to assist you in filling up this particular box. For your information, examples of the business/professional codes are as follows:
1002 - accountant
1011 - lawyer
1015 -nurse
1018 - physician
3014 - artist, painter
5123 - waiter
6131 - nursery grower
7123 - carpenter
7141 - painter
RS-5. The RS-5 is the contributions payment form. See image below
DONT FORGET TO PAY THE MAXIMUM!!! The maximum is 1,560.00 for a 15,000 MSC.
however below is the table of contributions
however below is the table of contributions
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