Things That Make My Day

Things That Make My Day
Think. Ideas. Do.

Monday, July 29, 2013

TIPS for Transacting with SSS

When you are transacting with SSS, please follow these:

1. pay attention to what the front-line person is saying, and if necessary repeat this to her.  This procedure may sound tedious to you, but it is always safer to do this as this procedure takes care of 2 things:

1.1. it ensures that you heard correctly, because if you repeated back something in error, the front line person is obligated to correct you.

1.2.  it ensures that you did not misunderstand the front-line person because you would not be able to to repeat back the transactions if you did not understand.

2.  make sure you have the original of all supporting documents and that you have a copy for submission to SSS.  the original copies will be used to authenticate the copies you will submit.  Make sure you do not give the original copies.  the original copies are yours

3.  make sure you have a copy of submitted items - even the SSS documents.
make sure that your copy is stamped received by SSS, and the date received.

try to make sure the front line signs off on a document that says the following documents received....
and make sure you have the right form for the right request/payment/benefit/


hope this helps with your filing and subsequent follow-ups with SSS

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