Things That Make My Day

Things That Make My Day
Think. Ideas. Do.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Renewable Energy

The Philippines is a tropical country, with lots of sunshine - and let us face it - the country is extremely hot these days.  With climate change, the situation has only exacerbated.  Temps are climbing higher.  Why cant we harness our weather and parlay it into cheaper, okay, less expensive power?  Why cant the government - say through agencies like SSS or GSIS offer loans so that the regular houseowner can afford to install solar power.  

we can put the solar cells on our roofs, and use the energy those generate for our home use.  Any excess can be sold to the power company.  there is a location in Japan (i cant find my bookmark in my pc!) that has implemented this strategy.  Very symbiotic. a win-win.

in a study we made, no - not an extensive one - since most of the Sakonits have regular job hours and cant pursue all of our ideals, we figured the major cost lies in the generator .... to store the energy generated by the sun.  the solar cells by themselves is not that expensive.

well, of course the power company would have less income, right?  is this what is stopping support for solar? betch by golly wow, it better NOT be.  we have to stop depending on fossil fuels.  

am i shouting uselessly to the world? better than be silent and allow chaos to take over without a fight.
then, we'd have a worst case .... and we arent skilled yet with terraforming like in StarTrek

Click here to read 3-conservative-friendly-reasons-to-support-solar

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