Things That Make My Day

Things That Make My Day
Think. Ideas. Do.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

You can pay SSS even if you are now a GSIS member

Yesterday, i was having a bone scan and somehow we got to talk about SSS - well, i normally ask if people are still paying for their SSS.  So the doc (?) - he was doing the scan told me he was now a GSIS member - since he is working for NKTI. However, he told me he used to work for the private sector, and that he had contributions paid in SSS

i told him he could continue to pay for his SSS contributions, and i told him to pay for the current maximum, which would cost him only one expensive lunch - 1,560.00.  And it was successful. He will start paying his SSS contributions.

i told him that SSS pensions are guaranteed by the Philippine government and for as long as there stands a Philippine government, the SSS stands.  Not a bad guarantee ......

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