Things That Make My Day

Things That Make My Day
Think. Ideas. Do.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Are you with Personnel or Human Resources Unit?

... or any other unit that handles transactions with the Social Security System or other government office?
For example, are you the company representative to SSS?

If you are responsible for SSS transactions, may i advise you to undergo a seminar with SSS so that you are aware of the conditions and requirements regarding eligibility and payment of claims, including application of such claims?

This is to prevent possible denial of your co-employee claims with the Social Security System.  Do not jeopardize your co-employee rights and privileges.

Hope this helps you and the employees of your company.


  1. Hello - How do you request for an SSS seminar? Grant Thornton did one last year not sure who does other then them. Hope you can help out.

    1. you can join a scheduled SSS seminar - check the SSS website or call the Member Education 435-9868 or the SSS trunkline 950-6401 and ask for MRD - which stands for Member Relations Department
