How do you start your day?
My friend, the sage, says he opens his eyes. Yeah, right.
I suppose that's one way of answering the question.
i like to start my day by saying Good Morning to God.
Then i say thank you for waking me up for the day and that i hope my day be filled with Him
i also dedicate the day to Him as an offering
i ask Him to put me in His Keeping
and ask him to give me strength to fight the temptations of the day
and to keep EVIL away from me
there are many evil persons abroad
betrayers galore, and i am "near" the presence of several
people who corrupt others, or peddle evil
persons who take delight in destroying other people or putting other people down
or who delight in building themselves up at the expense of others
people of greed - not just money but power
i simply ask the Lord God to take care of these kinds of people
and place them away - as far away from me as He can
they are vexations to the spirit
But no. sometimes He places them near. To build character, i suspect -
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