Qualifying Conditions:
- member was unable to work due to sickness or injury and confined either in the hospital or at home for at least four days
- paid at least 3 months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of sickness
- has consumed all current company sick leaves with pay for the current year
- has notified his or her employer or the SSS before 5 calendar days of confinement has elapsed unless confinement is in a hospital (hospital records exist)
- if separated, voluntary or self-employed member, has notified the SSS of sickness before 5 calendar days has elapsed (hospital records are proof of leave)
1. For employed member - approved SSS Form CLD-9N (Sickness Notification)
2. For the employer - SSS Form B-304 (Sickness Benefit Reimbursement Application)
3. For the unemployed/ Self-employed/ Voluntary Member -
- approved SSS Form CLD-9A (Sickness Benefit Claim for Unemployed/ Self-employed/ Voluntary Members)
- SSS Form MMD-102 (Medical Certificate)
- Certification from last employer showing the effective date of separation from employment or notice of company's closure/strike or certification from the Department of Labor and Employment that the employee or employer has a pending labor case
- Certification that no advance payment was granted, if the confinement period applied for is within or prior to date of separation
Not more than 120 days per year will be paid on the same illness.
Not more than 240 days will be paid on the same illness.
Will attempt to attach a picture of the Medical Certificate